The hardware electronic components used by our designers represent the best choice from the existing market offer. We use electronic components produced by the leading semiconductor manufacturers: Analog Devices, Ampleon, Broadcom, Cypress Semiconductor, Intel FPGA, Microchip Technology Inc., NXP, STMicroelectronics, Texas Instruments, Xilinx.
All the components we use go through the quality control at our own testing centre.

We use program packs representing modern simulation complexes for circuit techniques, software and printed boards design and keep them updated. Our work is supported by the licensed CAD systems versions such as Advanced Design System by Keysight and Altium Designer by Altium.

Electrical and high-frequency measurements needed for the development process are taken with modern Agilent and Rohde&Schwarz testing equipment.


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©2018 CHIP SYSTEM / CHIP SYSTEM JSC – electronics design and production

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